CDC October 2023 Meeting Agenda

Board Meeting
Monday, October 23, 2023
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic
and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
CALL TO ORDER at 5:42pm by Wade Wheeler
Wade Wheeler Cathey Thornburg Jennifer Casner Jean Russell
Tom Wheeler Matt Henderson Marcie Favelo Donna Henderson
Sandy Chaille Christina McDonald Mary Proper Jason
Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley Nick DeHart
Dan Rosenberg Maryann McGovran Claudia vanDenBergh
*Public Comment:
Additions to the Agenda:
Approval of the Agenda:
Approval of the Minutes:
Financial Reports:
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report:
? NFCP Update:
? Facebook Update:
? Lot 11 Transfer Update:
? Budget Approval:
? Signage Update:

? Bylaws Update:
? POA Update:
? Grounds maintenance:
? CDC Website:
? Goals: (2018 Priorities Summary)
o downtown parking, sidewalks, lighting, place for community members and
visitors to sit/eat/coffee
o trails for pedestrians, bikes, horses; connecting major activities such as mill
site, downtown, school, museum, rec center; connection to larger trail
system to Bass and Manzanita Lakes, NFS, and County trails
o bike/pump track park
? HVAC Proposal:
? Eastern Madera County Foundation
? Social Media
Organization Reports:
Next Board Meeting: Monday, October 27, 2023, at North Fork CDC conference room.
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of
the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not
appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or
acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is
invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person
addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to
ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing
the Board must state their name and address for the record.

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