June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


North Fork Community Development Council 

Board Meeting 

Monday, June 24, 2024 

NFCDC Conference Room 5:30 pm 


The CDC’s mission is, to promote the social, economic 

and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.” 

CALL TO ORDER by Wade Wheeler at 5:42 pm 


Present at meeting: Wade Wheeler, Tom Wheeler, Carolyn H. Sandy” 

Chaille, Cathey Thornburg, Matt Henderson, Donna Henderson, Mary Proper

Lauri Miller 

Public Comment: None to report 

Additions to the Agenda: None 

Approval of the Agenda: Tom Wheeler moved to approve agenda, Matt Henderson seconds. Motion carried

Approval of the Minutes: Tom Wheeler moved to approve, Mary Proper seconds. Motion carried

Financial Reports: Mary Proper moved to accept the Financial Report, seconded by Matt Henderson. All approved, Financials accepted

Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: Donna Henderson reported no new memberships. Also reminded any members to make sure their dues 

are current

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NFCP Update: lots of activity, construction is moving forward very nicely, should be going online soon. Thanks to Wade Wheeler for helping to move things forward

  • Signage update Jason Neville reported the permit fees for signage would be around $1,100. Wade is checking to see what the budget is set for an entrance sign to the Mill Property. Jason is gathering lots of information for signage
  • Bylaws Update Everyone needs to please go over bylaws and proposed changes for next meeting. Tabled 
  • POA update Tabled for now. Getting quotes for roads that need to be completed. Exploring ideas for moving forward
  • Grounds Maintenance Weed eating around Office Building and 

entrance to Mill Site was partly done, still waiting on date for Mt. Bullion 


  • D&O Insurance North Fork Holdings, LLC Donna Henderson was instructed to make sure that we are up to date on our D & O Insurance, she’s making contact first thing tomorrow


  • Tribe POA Fees Trade for paving last stretch of Koso Nobo 

Matt Henderson make a motion to approve the Tribe to get a $54,000 POA credit for paving said roadway to Out Lot B. Sandy Chaille seconds. All approved Motion carries

  • Finishing Mill Site Infrastructure Tabled 


  • Office Improvements and Vacancies -Tabled 
  • POA HandOff On going agenda item move to Old Business at next Meeting for further discussion

Organization Reports 

Cathey Thornburg NF Boosters Annual MidSierra Loggers Jamboree Event July t6 & 7, 2024

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Sandy Chaille made a motion to adjourn, Mary Proper seconds. All Approved Motion carried and Meeting adjourned by Wade Wheeler

Next Board Meeting: July 22, 2024, 5:30 p.m. at North Fork CDC Conference Room

Submitted By

Cathey Thornburg 

June 2024 Board Meeting Agenda



Board Meeting Monday June 26, 2023

NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm


The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”



  • Wade Wheeler Cathey Thornburg               Jennifer Casner         Jean Russell
  • TomWheeler                Matt Henderson                    Marcie Favelo
  • SandyChaille               Christina McDonald             Mary Proper
  • Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley                       Nick DeHart
  • DanRosenberg            Claudia VanDenBergh        Maryann McGovran

*Public Comment:

Additions to the Agenda: Items identified after preparation of the agenda for which there is a need to take immediate action. Two-thirds vote required for consideration.

Approval of the Agenda:

Approval of the Minutes:

Financial Reports:

Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: OLD BUSINESS:

  • NFCP Update
  • Facebook Update
  • Lot Line Adjustments, Transfer Updates and Escrow Status
  • Lawsuit Updates
  • Budget Approval






  • Infrastructure Completion Plans (Roads)
    • RFP for roads


New Business

  • Discuss Lots 5, 6, and 8 (Should we sell)
  • POA Discussion
  • utilities (i.e. solar, propane, garbage)
  • rental costs for tenants (COLA statement, utilities such as H2O)
  • Consideration of regular grounds maintenance staff (for inside/outside, esp. around CDC bldg)


Organization Reports



Next Board Meeting: Monday, July 24, 2023, at North Fork CDC conference room.


*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing the Board must state their name and address for the record.

May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes


North Fork Community Development Council 

Board Meeting 

Monday, May 20, 2024 

NFCDC Conference Room 5:30 pm 


The CDC’s mission is, to promote the social, economic 

and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.” 

CALL TO ORDER by Wade Wheeler at 5:38 pm 


Present at meeting: Wade Wheeler, Tom Wheeler, Carolyn H. SandyChaille, Cathey Thornburg, Cindy Quigley, Matt Henderson, Donna Henderson, Mary Proper, Nick DeHart, Lauri Miller 

Public Comment: Donna Henderson made the introduction of the NFCDC’s incoming Bookkeeper Lauri Miller

Additions to the Agenda: Sandy added Updated CDC Roster 

Approval of the Agenda: Cathey Thornburg moved to approve agenda with CDC Roster added under New Business and corrected next meeting date to June 24, 2024, Tom Wheeler seconded. Motion carried

Approval of the Minutes: Tabled to approve minutes of last meeting

Financial Reports: Sandy Chaille moved to accept the Financial Report, seconded by Mary Proper. Financials accepted

Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: Donna Henderson reported no new memberships and she believes that organizations that need to pay 

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dues are Chawanakee School District and North Fork Rancheria. Also reminded any members at large to make sure their dues are current


NFCP Update: lots of activity, construction is moving forward, Cold testing Sage Engineering( Kaelum Carmen) is the General Contractor on the 


  • Signage update Tabled to next meeting 
  • Bylaws Update Everyone needs to please go over bylaws and proposed changes for next meeting. Tabled 
  • POA update Tabled 

Grounds Maintenance Weed eating around Office Building and 

entrance to Mill Site needs to be addressed getting quotes and/or possibly getting Mt. Bullion Camp to do cleanup. Cathey Thornburg and Wade Wheeler will make contacts


Election of Officers 

2024 OFFICERS President: Wade Wheeler, Vice President: Tom Wheeler, Treasurer: Sandy Chaille, Secretary: Cathey Thornburg ALL APPROVED Robson vs. Rosenburg Legal Bills Tom Wheeler made a motion to pay $10,000 for part of attorney fees, seconded by Sandy Chaille. Discussion was had it’s the obligation of the CDC Board to cover those fees (See President for actual legal papers) Motion carried

  • HVAC Proposal Increase CDC Board originally approved up to $27,500 for new split units in CDC Office Building there was an increase in bill because additional unit were installed. Tom Wheeler moved to pay Greenwood Heating & Air Conditioning an additional $7,500. For services. Seconded by Cathey Thornburg. The motion passed 5-2 (Voting Yes:: Cathey Thornburg, Nicholas DeHart, Matt Henderson, Tom Wheeler Cindy Quigley. Voting No: Sandy Chaille, Mary Proper)

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Bank Account Signees 

Mary Proper made a motion to have the authorized signatories changed on our bank accounts as follows

1) Authorization for Lauri Miller to be ADDED as authorized check signer for

North Fork CDC 

PO Box 1484 

North Fork, CA 93643 

Business Checking & CDC Lease Deposits Accounts 

2) Authorization for Madonna Henderson to be REMOVED as authorized check signer for: North Fork CDC 

PO Box 1484 

North Fork, CA 93643 

Business Checking Account & CDC Lease Deposits Account 

3) CONTINUE TO RETAIN Carolyn H. Chaille as current authorized signer.for: North Fork CDC 

PO Box 1484 

North Fork, CA 93643 

Business Checking Account & CDC Lease Deposit Account 

REMOVE Mary Proper as an authorized signer

4) Authorization for Lauri Miller to be ADDED as authorized check signer for

NF Millsite Property Owners 

PO Box 1484 

North Fork, CA 93643 

Business Checking Account 

Seconded by Tom Wheeler. Motion carried

  • Women’s Club Dinners 

Cathey Thornburg made a motion to discontinuing having the North Fork Women’s Club provide meals during the CDC’s monthly board meetings. Seconded by Tom Wheeler. Motion carried. Cathey Thornburg agreed to contact the Women’s Club President and Thank them for the meals in the past and let them know the board’s decision to discontinuing the meals

  • Agenda Responsibility 

Cathey Thornburg made a motion to have the new Bookkeeper Lori Miller be responsible for preparing and posting the monthly Agenda prior to the meetings. Seconded by Tom Wheeler. Motion carried

  • D&O Insurance North Fork Holdings, LLC discussion was made to 

make sure that CDC has D & O Insurance for both the CDC and North Fork Holdings, LLC

  • Office Improvements No discussion at this time 

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  • Laptop Purchase for Bookkeeper 

Tom Wheeler made a motion to approve up to $1,000. to purchase a laptop for Bookkeeper. Seconded by Matt Henderson. Motion carried. Matt & Donna will see that a new laptop is purchased

  • Office Leases 

Marijke Bouwmans gave notice that she will be vacating her office space on June 1, 2024. Anyone interested in purchasing any of her furniture she is asking $600. for everything. Other Discussion was had to have all Office Spaces stay current on there rent, or action will be taken as necessary

Organization Reports 

Nick DeHart shared that on the 3rd Thursday of the month Millers Resort has activities going on from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.. Also local Art Hop happening. The new Town Banners done by local artist should be going up the 1st week in June. They will be taken down in October and auctioned off. North Fork school got some state funds to help fund Kern Family Farm to benefit the school meal program


Cathey Thornburg made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cindy Quigley. Motion carried and Meeting adjourned by Wade at 7:10 p.m. 

Next Board Meeting: June 24, 2024, 5:30 p.m. at North Fork CDC Conference Room

Submitted By

Cathey Thornburg 

Cathey Thornburg 


May 2024 Board Meeting Agenda

Board Meeting
Monday, May 20, 2024
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social,
economic and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
o Wade Wheeler Cathey Thornburg Nick DeHart
o Tom Wheeler Matt Henderson Marcie Favelo
o Sandy Chaille Christina McDonald Mary Proper
o Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley Jason Neville
*Public Comment:
Additions to the Agenda:
Approval of the Agenda:
Approval of the Minutes
Financial Reports:
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report:
? NFCP Update
? Signage Update
? Bylaws Update
? POA Update
? Grounds maintenance
• Election of Officers
• Robson Vs. Rosenberg Legal Bills
• HVAC Proposal Increase
• Bank Account Signees
• Women’s Club Dinners
• Agenda Responsibility
• D&O Insurance – North Fork Holdings, LLC
• Office Improvements
• Laptop Purchase for Bookkeeper
• Office Leases
Organization Reports
Next Board Meeting: Monday, August 24, 2024, at North Fork CDC conference room.
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of
the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not
appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or
acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is
invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person
addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to
ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing the Board must state their name and address for the record.

April 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

NFCDC Board of Directors
Board Meeting
April 29, 2024

Call to Order:
Tom Wheeler called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.
Roll Call:
Tom Wheeler, Sandy Chaille, Cathey Thornburg, Matt Henderson, Christina McDonald, Cindy
Quigley, Mary Proper, Donna Henderson.
Public Comment:
Jason Neville is interested in being on the board and currently the POA President and think it is
good to be involved.
Additions to the agenda:
Appointment of member
Women’s Club payment for cancelled meetings
Approval of the agenda:
Cathey Thornburg motioned to approve the agenda with addition of two items, seconded by
Matt Henderson. MC
Approval of the minutes:
Financial Reports:
Sandy Chaille motioned to accept the financial reports, seconded by Mary Proper. MC
Donna Henderson will retire on July 1, 2024, doing the financials. Training will occur May 1,
2024, and the new person Laurie Miller.
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report:
Donna Henderson reported we received $377.00 in membership at the annual meeting and did
receive a few the week before.
Old Business:
? NFCP Update-Table.
? CDC Update-Table.
-History Group/Lot 11 Transfer Update-Cathey Thornburg has not received the
records documents yet from the county.
-POA Update- CDC will need to reimburse the POA work from 2021 from the

Jason Neville work charged shouldn’t be from the POA but from the NFCDC.
Henderson explained Fred Faysal is the water guy and he gets $600.00 per
for water testing and water testing company has a fee also. Jason Neville, there
should be some shared cost on some of the utilities and what to properly charge.
Still needs to be repaired and John Reed had done the work and is responsible
for it.
Matt Henderson will do the research and figure out the issue (Septic lift system,
error messaging).
-Grounds maintenance-Table.

? Signage-Donna and Matt Henderson will coordinate with Central Sierra, Inc. Discussed
the NFCDC cover the cost of the Rd. 225 sign and individual owners cover their
driveways as well as their business sign on the main sign on Rd 225.
? Bylaws-Special meeting, May 16, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
? Goals-Table.
-New Goal considerations-Table.
-Mill Site development-Table.
-CDC Building Vision-Table.
-Purpose of the building-Table.
? Eastern Madera County Foundation-Table.
New Business:
-Appointment of member- Sandy Chaille motioned to appoint for a one-year period
2024 to March 2025) Jason Neville, seconded by Cathey Thornburg. MC
-Election of Officers-Tabled.
-Have employee create agenda-Tabled.
-Legal Bill for Dan-Tabled.
-Office Space-Tabled.
-Women’s Club payment for cancelled meetings-Sandy Chaille motioned to approve the
payment, seconded by Matt Henderson. MC
Organization Reports:
Kick off Dinner went well. Earth Day good turnout. Upcoming Pow Wows coming up and men’s
fastpitch on Memorial Day Weekend.
Christina McDonald motioned to adjourn at 7:10 p.m., seconded by Mary Proper. MC
Next Board Meeting: 5/20/2024

Minutes submitted by Christina McDonald, NFCDC Board Member

April 2024 Board Meeting Agenda

NFCDC Board of Directors
Board Meeting
April 29, 2024

Call to Order:
Tom Wheeler called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.
Roll Call:
Tom Wheeler, Sandy Chaille, Cathey Thornburg, Matt Henderson, Christina McDonald, Cindy Quigley, Mary Proper, Donna Henderson.
Public Comment:
Jason Neville is interested in being on the board and currently the POA President and think it is good to be involved.
Additions to the agenda:
Appointment of member
Women’s Club payment for cancelled meetings
Approval of the agenda:
Cathey Thornburg motioned to approve the agenda with addition of two items, seconded by Matt Henderson. MC
Approval of the minutes:
Financial Reports:
Sandy Chaille motioned to accept the financial reports, seconded by Mary Proper. MC
Donna Henderson will retire on July 1, 2024, doing the financials. Training will occur May 1, 2024, and the new person Laurie Miller.
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report:
Donna Henderson reported we received $377.00 in membership at the annual meeting and did receive a few the week before.
Old Business:
• NFCP Update-Table.
• CDC Update-Table.
-History Group/Lot 11 Transfer Update-Cathey Thornburg has not received the land
records documents yet from the county.
-POA Update- CDC will need to reimburse the POA work from 2021 from the install.
Jason Neville work charged shouldn’t be from the POA but from the NFCDC. Donna
Henderson explained Fred Faysal is the water guy and he gets $600.00 per month
for water testing and water testing company has a fee also. Jason Neville, there
should be some shared cost on some of the utilities and what to properly charge.
Still needs to be repaired and John Reed had done the work and is responsible for it.
Matt Henderson will do the research and figure out the issue (Septic lift system,
error messaging).
-Grounds maintenance-Table.
• Signage-Donna and Matt Henderson will coordinate with Central Sierra, Inc. Discussed the NFCDC cover the cost of the Rd. 225 sign and individual owners cover their driveways as well as their business sign on the main sign on Rd 225.
• Bylaws-Special meeting, May 16, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
• Goals-Table.
-New Goal considerations-Table.
-Mill Site development-Table.
-CDC Building Vision-Table.
-Purpose of the building-Table.
• Eastern Madera County Foundation-Table.
New Business:
-Appointment of member- Sandy Chaille motioned to appoint for a one-year period (March
2024 to March 2025) Jason Neville, seconded by Cathey Thornburg. MC
-Election of Officers-Tabled.
-Have employee create agenda-Tabled.
-Legal Bill for Dan-Tabled.
-Office Space-Tabled.
-Women’s Club payment for cancelled meetings-Sandy Chaille motioned to approve the
payment, seconded by Matt Henderson. MC
Organization Reports:
Kick off Dinner went well. Earth Day good turnout. Upcoming Pow Wows coming up and men’s fastpitch on Memorial Day Weekend.
Christina McDonald motioned to adjourn at 7:10 p.m., seconded by Mary Proper. MC
Next Board Meeting: 5/20/2024

Minutes submitted by Christina McDonald, NFCDC Board Member

CDC January 2024 Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting
Monday, Jan 22, 2024
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic
and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
CALL TO ORDER by Wade at 5:42p
*Wade Wheeler *Cathey Thornburg Jennifer Casner *Jean Russell
Tom Wheeler *Matt Henderson Marcie Favelo Donna Henderson
*Sandy Chaille *Christina
*Mary Proper *Michael, Connie
*Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley Nick DeHart
Dan Rosenberg Maryann McGovran
*Public Comment:
Additions to the Agenda: Sandy Annual Meeting, Jean Signage
Approval of the Agenda: Sandy made a motion to approve with additions, Matt
seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Sandy motioned to approve 10/23/23 minutes, Mary
seconded. Motion carried.
Financial Reports: Donna not here. There are a few questions about some of the
numbers such as negative balances. Sandy will ask Donna.
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: Sandy moved to accept the report.
Mary seconded the motion. Financials accepted.
? NFCP Update: lots of activity, moving forward. PPA deadline Feb 28. All back feed
is in from PG&E. Has 6 employees so far, a few from the mountain area, others
within Madera County. Looking to increase to 12 employees.
? CDC Update
o Dam – has been repaired, fixed the flume up to silt pond. On large pond
instead of two. Still needs some more work for completion i.e. ripwrap.
Kalem has been working on it and doing a good job. Working on funding
sources to compensate for costs i.e. YSRCDC, FEMA, SBA

o History Group/Lot 11 Transfer Update – transfer is complete
o POA Update – need to meet to discuss how to get on the same page
regarding POA and how to move forward in agreement. POA agreement not
filed. There is no cash flow but want to remain equitable. There are 12
landowners. In-kind work is becoming an issue. Sandy and Matt are
interested in helping out. We need a special meeting with the POA and
NFCDC – Wade will call a meeting.
o Grounds maintenance –
? Land is being prepared (level, gravel) to have containers moved for
History Group and Women’s Group.
? Art Gallery – used to be fully functioning. Artists began to remove
their art, but there were only a few left. The last of the art has finally
be taken home by the artist. The “Art Gallery” sign will be removed.
? Budget Approval – Sandy Operating Budget 2024. Not generating enough income.
Should consider increasing CDC membership ($15 for individual). Mary moves to
approve the budget, Jean seconded. Motion carried.
? Bylaws: Christina has been working in a committee with Jen but have not
connected in awhile. It was suggested that we work on them 1 section at a time.
Angeline needs a copy to send out.
? Goals:
o New Goal considerations – members will bring ideas next week
? Mill Site development – roads, other infrastructure, trail
? CDC Building Vision
? purpose of the building
? HVAC Proposal:
? floors/paint (board room, main entrance, hallway)
? Eastern Madera County Foundation: n/a
? Annual Meeting – (Sandy) must be held within the first quarter. It was discussed
that March 25 would be a good date, i.e. 4-8p, with meeting at 5:30p. Action Plan
will be established at next meeting. Christina will coordinate a March meeting and
inquire about reserving the building. Cathey will help Christina.
? Signage – keep on agenda for next meeting
Organization Reports:
? NFR-NIGC management agreement signed. One case in courts – high probability not
going to implement project. CVIH will be bringing this proposal to build a new clinic.
? Boosters- March 23 Prime Rib and Shrimp Scampi dinner $20 – nominations open 2023,
close March 1st
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Wade at 7:45p
Next Board Meeting: Annual meeting ; Next Board meeting Feb 26 @5:30pMar 25, 2024
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of
the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not
appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or
acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is
invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person

addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to
ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing
the Board must state their name and address for the record.

CDC January 2024 Meeting Agenda

of 2

Board Meeting
Monday, Jan 22, 2024
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic
and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
Wade Wheeler Cathey Thornburg Jennifer Casner Jean Russell
Tom Wheeler Matt Henderson Marcie Favelo Donna Henderson
Sandy Chaille Christina McDonald Mary Proper Jason
Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley Nick DeHart
Dan Rosenberg Maryann McGovran Claudia vanDenBergh
*Public Comment:
Additions to the Agenda:
Approval of the Agenda:
Approval of the Minutes: 10/23/23
Financial Reports:
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report:
? NFCP Update
? CDC Update
o Dam
o History Group/Lot 11 Transfer Update
o POA Update
o Grounds maintenance
? Budget Approval
? Bylaws
? Goals:
o New Goal considerations
? Mill Site development

? CDC Building Vision
? purpose of the building
? HVAC Proposal:
? floors/paint (board room, main entrance, hallway)
? Eastern Madera County Foundation:
Organization Reports:
Next Board Meeting:.
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of
the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not
appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or
acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is
invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person
addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to
ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing
the Board must state their name and address for the record.

CDC October 2023 Meeting Minutes

of 3

Board Meeting
Monday, October 23, 2023
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic
and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
CALL TO ORDER at 5:35pm by Wade Wheeler
Wade Wheeler Donna Henderson Cathey Thornburg Guests:
Tom Wheeler Matt Henderson Cindy Quigley Kathy Ellis
Sandy Chaille Christina McDonald Mary Proper Mike Olwyler
Angeline DeHart Nick DeHart
*Public Comment: none
Additions to the Agenda:
New Business #1 history group C train moving to Lot 8,Children’s Holiday Event
donation request
Approval of the Agenda: Sandy moved to approve agenda with additions, Nick
seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Mary moved to approve, Sandy seconded. Motion carried.
Financial Reports: Donna – Sandy moved to accept the financial report, Mary
seconded. Motion carried.
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: n/a
? NFCP Update: Wade – now acting General, things going well, appears to be on
track to completion
? Facebook Update: Nick – need to do a post of something positive about plant and
perhaps something separate in regards to the positions hiring, emphasize that we
want to hire local. Needs job descriptions. Perhaps a photo of board members in
front of power plant.
? Lot 11 Transfer Update: Jon has paperwork, is gone right now but will return soon.

? Budget Approval: Sandy – presented Yearly Operating Budget/2023 Estimate.
Sandy, Mary. Discussion: Solar is paid off, working on estimates for repair of
broken panels. Sandy – notes that $2,000 to county for loan is not part of operation
budget – should be capital budget
? Signage Update: tabled
? Bylaws Update: Christina – asked about comments she made on the bylaws and
how board wants to proceed I.e. committee or go over first few pages next
? POA Update: CDC is the POA. Need to discuss official “handoff’. Roads need to
be done. Dilemma of not being able to generate enough POA revenue because
there are owners of 6 lots that will be paying dues to deals made that gave credit.
Only 5 lots are paying into the POA.
? Grounds maintenance: Need work on Lots 5, 6,7, 8. Silt pond on Lot 8. A couple
of willows. Wade has a quote from Black Bear Tree Service for approximately
$3200. Kenny is not able to do it. Board agrees to move forward on Black Bear’s
? History Group C-Train: asked about moving to lot 11. Women’s Club also has a
C-Train. Wade suggests consideration of Lot 8 as a spot that both containers and
possible others can put containers. A crane is coming out, so Wade will include the
move of Women’s Club and History Group’s Containers. *Sandy made a motion to
move the two groups’ containers, no cost to the two groups, to Lot 8, Matt
seconded. Motion carried.
? CDC Website: tabled
? Goals:
o New Goal considerations
? Washout of dam: safety, liability and infrastructure issues. Wade has
applied for an SBA loan for repair. FEMA has denied us. It was asked
if repair could be done differently or rerouted. Wade explained that it
would require a new drainage plan and that there is already one in
place with the county.
? Mill Site development
? Items on 2018 could possibly be done in partnership with other
organizations such as Eastern Madera County Foundation
? need to brainstorm
o 2018 Priorities Summary
? downtown parking, sidewalks, lighting, place for community members
and visitors to sit/eat/coffee
? trails for pedestrians, bikes, horses; connecting major activities . such
as mill site, downtown, school, museum, rec center; connection to
larger trail system to Bass and Manzanita Lakes, NFS, and County

? bike/pump track park
? HVAC Proposal: tabled
? Eastern Madera County Foundation: need a North Fork Area Rep; CIndy and Nick
? Social Media
? Children’s Holiday Event donation request: $500 to meet $4500 goal. *Sandy moved to
donate $500, Mary seconded. Motion Carried.
Organization Reports: Chili cook-off was successful. Grizzly was successful with more
riders this year, good food vendors and met donations goal with proceeds going to the
Scenic Byway. Christmas Bazaar is coming up. Corn hole postponed and TBD. North Fork
School Fall Festival and Mountain Oaks Masquerade are this Friday.
Adjournment: Nick motioned to adjourn, Cindy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:00p
Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 27, 2023, at North Fork CDC conference room.
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of
the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not
appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or
acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is
invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person
addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to
ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing
the Board must state their name and address for the record.