5/21/12 – Minutes

North Fork Community Development Council

Agenda of Board Meeting –May 21, 2012

5:30 p.m. at the North Fork CDC Conference Room at the Mill Site

  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Dan Rosenberg at 5:41 p.m.  Present were:

Members:  Janet Wheeler, Tom Burdette, Maryanne McGovern, Rich McQuone, Dan Rosenberg, Sandy Chaille, Julie Konno, Barbara Colliander, Scott Marsh, Kirsten Englund.

Guests:  Brad Ditton, Dave Winsloff, Judy Ahrens, Connie Popelish, Don Grove, Sharon Grove, Christine Bannister, Doug Waltner, Tammy Armstrong, Bob Costa, Vince Smith, Ginny Smith, Chuck Thrapp, Ken Goodwin.

  1. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. A moment of silence in remembrance of Richard Hancock was observed.
  1. Additions to the Agenda:  Chuck Thrapp expressed interest in discussing the water issues; this is under old business.

4.   Approval of the Agenda:   Tom Burdette moved, Julie Konno seconded to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.

5.   Public Comment:  None.

6.   Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2012 Regular Board Meeting

     It was moved by Sandy Chaille, seconded by Scott Marsh, to approve the minutes of the April 23rd meeting.
Motion carried.  “Preliminary” minutes will go on the website, noting that they need to yet be approved.

7.   Treasurer’s Report

     The president presented the financial information for the month to date as of May 15, 2012.  It was noted that the mural project fund has $400.  Lion’s Club will donate additional monies to this fund as needed.  Starting July 1st, our payment to the Brownfields Loan will increase from $750 to $1500 per month.  Sandy moved, Julie seconded to approve the financial report.  Motion carried.

8.   Discussion and Action Items

(Because the History Group was present, they gave their report early in the meeting.)  Don Grove gave a report from the History Group. They presented a proposal, suggesting a cenral common area to enhance the community’s development, (ideas included: an amphitheatre, walking trails, gardens, a North Fork History Park).  They would start with paths and signs for the equipment/buildings on site now.  Concerns were expressed:  permanent drainage is needed; Pitcher Creek relocation needs to be completed; parking and restroom facilities needed;  handicapped access; use of concrete blocks on site.  They are requesting an agreement between the history group and the CDC, to develop and operate the History Park.  They request a drainage plan and that the CDC identifies the boundaries of the History Park and the Pitcher Creek relocation.
Dan Rosenberg suggested that the CDC Board appoint a committee to facilitate this.

a.   Old Business

  1. NF Downtown Redevelopment Initiative – Scott Marsh reported that they have their first meeting scheduled for July, with the purpose to coordinate the North Fork downtown redevelopment.
  2. Updating Leases – Kirsten Englund met with Mark at Crossroads Lumber.  They are reworking the lease for that company.  Mark would like another 5-year term for his lease. Usually there is a security deposit, but we may waive this for him.  He is getting close to being ready to buy the property.  It was moved by Tom Burdette, seconded by Julie Konno, authorizing Kirsten Englund to negotiate a lease with Mark at Crossroads Lumber.
  3. Water testing/system inspections – Chuck Thrapp reported on the water tests that have been done.  The fire marshall is asking for additional water pressure tests of the supply line, specifically they require 150-pound tests on the whole system.  Travis Construction needs to do the testing as they installed it in the first place.  It’s a specialized process.  The cost is estimated at about $1581.  Chuck does not anticipate any problem passing the tests.  There is a need to have Keith smooth out the road up to the area that they need to access.  Another issue is the area washed out behind Crossroads.  They found a broken electrical conduit that needs to be repaired.  Estimated cost is $2400.  And another issue is the controller for the wiring.  It is not working (burned out).   A new controller needs to be installed, at some point.  There was discussion on how to get the monies to cover these projects.  It was moved by Sandy Chaille, seconded by Julie Konno to authorize the president or Tom Burdette to spend up to $4500 to pay for the work on the water and electrical systems that needs to be done so that the fire station and other buildings can access water.  Motion carried.  Chuck was authorized to set up the work to be done.  Maryann McGovern was asked if the Tribe could absorb the cost, as part of the construction of the fire station.  She will check with Paul.  We also need a communication in writing from the fire marshall regarding precisely what testing needs to be done.
  4. BRLF—designation of funds to savings.  The $1500 will be set aside.
  5. “Buzz Saw” update.  The second edition to the current issue will be coming out soon. If anyone is interested in writing an article, let Dan know.  Also, the CHIPS newsletter needs an article from us.
  6. Committee Reports:
    1. Real Estate – Brad Ditton reported on his work on the parcel map.  There are 3 pieces of land.  We design the boundaries of the parcels (lot line adjustment).  Dave Winsloff is interested in leasing/buying one of the parcels, primarily to develop a sewage treatment plant. Later, we may see an office building, swimming pool, etc.  He would like +/- 9 acres.  He will build a sewage treatment plant as well.  Brad needs direction on whether he can act as a broker for us as well as for a buyer.  This may or may not affect the parcel work that Brad is doing for us.  It was agreed that Brad can continue his work on the parcel map, and still bring buyers to us.  Sandy moved, Maryanne seconded to go into closed session at 8:26 p.m.   We discussed real estate representation.  Rich moved, Sandy seconded, to come out of closed session.  The board came out of closed session at 9:20 p.m.  Tom Burdette moved, Sandy seconded that we retain Brad Ditton as our listing agent and allow him to represent the buyer for the Winsloff property deal, and authorizing the President of the CDC will negotiate the listing agreement.  Motion carried with 6 in favor, 1 opposed and two abstentions.  It was agreed that we need to get our CC and Rs in place.  Rich, Kirsten and Scott volunteered to be on an ad hoc committee to develop the CC and R’s for the site.
    2. Planning – none
    3. Recreation Trail – Julie is looking for the map on the web site for the trail.  Dan will help with that.
    4. Membership – none
    5. Emergency Preparedness – none
    6. Cosmic – none
    7. Mural Graffiti removal – none
    8. By Laws – none

   New Business

    1. Presentation by the North Fork History Group – see above
    2. Parcel Map / Lot Line Adjustment (Brad Ditton) – see above.  Tom Burdette will talk with Brad Ditton about the location of the roads that access the parcels.
    3. Drainage expenses – see above.  Tom Burdette reported on a blockage of water (not a spring) that had to be fixed.   Tom Burdette reported that the contractor hit an electrical line.  He spent money to get things fixed.  Julie Konno moved, Kirsten Englund seconded, that we reimburse Tom Burdette for the expenses ($465) that he has and will incur for the supplies. Motion carried.
    4. Fire station/site infrastructure – see above
    5. Water system—permit and user fees – none

Organizational Reports (if time) – The Chamber had their downtown clean up day with great participation.   Also on June 2nd, there is a Studio fundraiser (line dancing at a dance studio).  The Women’s Club did 3 scholarships at $800 each and 2 at $500 each.  A big thanks to the community for supporting the North Fork Volunteer Fire Department’s tri-tip BBQ.  Scott announced the Logger’s Jamboree dates of June 30 and July 1 at the Rec Center.

  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Colliander, Secretary

Reminder:  The next CDC meeting will be Monday, June 25, 2012 at 5:30 pm at the North Fork CDC Conference Room at the Mill Site.

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