Board Meeting
Monday, Jan 22, 2024
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic
and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
CALL TO ORDER by Wade at 5:42p
*Wade Wheeler *Cathey Thornburg Jennifer Casner *Jean Russell
Tom Wheeler *Matt Henderson Marcie Favelo Donna Henderson
*Sandy Chaille *Christina
*Mary Proper *Michael, Connie
*Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley Nick DeHart
Dan Rosenberg Maryann McGovran
*Public Comment:
Additions to the Agenda: Sandy Annual Meeting, Jean Signage
Approval of the Agenda: Sandy made a motion to approve with additions, Matt
seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Sandy motioned to approve 10/23/23 minutes, Mary
seconded. Motion carried.
Financial Reports: Donna not here. There are a few questions about some of the
numbers such as negative balances. Sandy will ask Donna.
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: Sandy moved to accept the report.
Mary seconded the motion. Financials accepted.
? NFCP Update: lots of activity, moving forward. PPA deadline Feb 28. All back feed
is in from PG&E. Has 6 employees so far, a few from the mountain area, others
within Madera County. Looking to increase to 12 employees.
? CDC Update
o Dam – has been repaired, fixed the flume up to silt pond. On large pond
instead of two. Still needs some more work for completion i.e. ripwrap.
Kalem has been working on it and doing a good job. Working on funding
sources to compensate for costs i.e. YSRCDC, FEMA, SBA
o History Group/Lot 11 Transfer Update – transfer is complete
o POA Update – need to meet to discuss how to get on the same page
regarding POA and how to move forward in agreement. POA agreement not
filed. There is no cash flow but want to remain equitable. There are 12
landowners. In-kind work is becoming an issue. Sandy and Matt are
interested in helping out. We need a special meeting with the POA and
NFCDC – Wade will call a meeting.
o Grounds maintenance –
? Land is being prepared (level, gravel) to have containers moved for
History Group and Women’s Group.
? Art Gallery – used to be fully functioning. Artists began to remove
their art, but there were only a few left. The last of the art has finally
be taken home by the artist. The “Art Gallery” sign will be removed.
? Budget Approval – Sandy Operating Budget 2024. Not generating enough income.
Should consider increasing CDC membership ($15 for individual). Mary moves to
approve the budget, Jean seconded. Motion carried.
? Bylaws: Christina has been working in a committee with Jen but have not
connected in awhile. It was suggested that we work on them 1 section at a time.
Angeline needs a copy to send out.
? Goals:
o New Goal considerations – members will bring ideas next week
? Mill Site development – roads, other infrastructure, trail
? CDC Building Vision
? purpose of the building
? HVAC Proposal:
? floors/paint (board room, main entrance, hallway)
? Eastern Madera County Foundation: n/a
? Annual Meeting – (Sandy) must be held within the first quarter. It was discussed
that March 25 would be a good date, i.e. 4-8p, with meeting at 5:30p. Action Plan
will be established at next meeting. Christina will coordinate a March meeting and
inquire about reserving the building. Cathey will help Christina.
? Signage – keep on agenda for next meeting
Organization Reports:
? NFR-NIGC management agreement signed. One case in courts – high probability not
going to implement project. CVIH will be bringing this proposal to build a new clinic.
? Boosters- March 23 Prime Rib and Shrimp Scampi dinner $20 – nominations open 2023,
close March 1st
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Wade at 7:45p
Next Board Meeting: Annual meeting ; Next Board meeting Feb 26 @5:30pMar 25, 2024
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of
the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not
appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or
acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is
invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person
ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing
the Board must state their name and address for the record.