Board Meeting Monday, June 26, 2023
NFCDC Conference Room – 5:30 pm
The CDC’s mission is, “to promote the social, economic and environmental welfare of North Fork, CA.”
- Wade Wheeler Cathey Thornburg Jennifer Casner Jean Russell
- Tom Wheeler Matt Henderson Marcie Favelo
- Sandy Chaille Christina McDonald Mary Proper
- Angeline DeHart Cindy Quigley Nick DeHart
- Dan Rosenberg Claudia VanDenBergh Maryann McGovran
*Public Comment:
Paul (tribe): update on 911 services building fully framed, adding in utilities on track ETA December. Tribal council office in progress ETA Spring. 26 homes being built. got funded for 911/fire access road. Got funding for wellness after school education center – still need architect so ETA 2 years.
Mike and Connie: cleanup went well from library through town to cabin and might do another session (Danielle spearheaded and got volunteers).
Additions to the Agenda: Items identified after preparation of the agenda for which there is a need to take immediate action. Two-thirds vote required for consideration. No further additions.
Approval of the Agenda: Sandy made a motion, Cathey seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: tabled
Financial Reports: Cathey motion to accept the financial reports, Sandy seconded. Motion carried.
Corresponding Secretary/Membership Report: $15 income (membership)
- NFCP Update- Road is being engineered. Dan asks if we might consider an ombudsman i.e. someone from NFCP. There was a question about he decibels of the plant. Dan clarified that there is a max decibel allowance as well as a noise pollution clause in the agreement. He is willing to share the plan for peoples information.
- Facebook Update: Nick has set up a new page.
- Lot Line Adjustments, Transfer Updates and Escrow Status: everything is out of escrow. Wade will call him tomorrow. We have signed everything on our side for Lot Line Adjustments, waiting for Garay.
- Lawsuit Updates: Not officially finalized on bankruptcy, we have a new lawyer to help complete.
- Budget Approval: Revised Budget presented by Donna. Took off loan, increased work time for office cleaner. Added “operating budget”. Tabled for next meeting to make sure all have been able to review.
- Infrastructure Completion Plans (Roads)
- RFP for roads: 3 contractors/crews are interested in doing the road work. Cathey has two fences up and will need reimbursement. Wade believes that if we were to hand over a lot to the POA, the project should be completed. Paul shared that County improvement agreement documents that responsibility. Dan shared that we ought to consider that we have some credit with the POA. It as asked if we have a seat on the POA board or have someone attending their meetings. (we might consider displaying parcel map at future meetings)
New Business
- Discuss Lots 5, 6, and 8 (Should we sell): Cathey made a motion not relist them. Seconded by Sandy. Motion carried.
- POA Discussion: POA does not currently have a regular meeting time/location. They are interested in working together and meeting with us i.e. coming to our meetings and piggybacking on our meeting dates.
- Utilities (i.e. solar, propane, garbage): Matt volunteers to do some research/organization of costs i.e. per square footage, perhaps referenceing pricees in Oakhurst. A crane might be required to remove the propane tank (which we own) and possible move to new more accessible location. Discussion of continuing use of the one we own. Jean raised the point that there are ever changing codes/etc that could be more easily managed by renting. Solar panel arm is broken, Cathey/Jen might know someone to fix it and will reach out to that person. Donna shared that not many options for garbage service (EMADCO).
- Rental costs for tenants (COLA statement, utilities such as H2O)
- Consideration of regular grounds maintenance staff (for inside/outside, esp. around CDC bldg) Wade talked to someone who can cover grounds maintenance. Pritchard creek needs to be cleaned out before regular maintenance can be done there. Dan suggested POA be included on discussion of clean-up. Clarified that frontage will be included.
Organization Reports
Cathey shared that the parade is going to go on. Jean shared that the library’s Summer reading program is going on. Lost a little time due to outdated list of contractors. Applying for another grant to expand library into the basement, parking lot, paving, accessibility. The first round of grant funding focus was to address things like safety and drainage.
Mike: Scenic byway is working on interpretive signs (national park standard signs) but there will be a delay with all of the fire work being done. EMC Foundation has a trails group working on connecting communities from here to eventually Mariposa (Jorge Negrete is the lead) for walking/biking/horseback riding “muscle powered trails”.
Wade shared that Tom intends to donate back the old fire engine.
Cathy moved to adjourn, and Sandy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:39p.
Next Board Meeting: Monday, July 24, 2023, at North Fork CDC conference room.
*Public Comment: The first 15 minutes of each regular meeting is set aside for members of the public to comment on any item within the jurisdiction of the CDC Board, but not appearing on the agenda. Items presented under public comment may not be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time. For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to comment at the time the time is called for consideration by the Board. Any person addressing the Board under public comment will be limited to a 3-minute presentation to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak. Also, all persons addressing the Board must state their name and address for the record.